Аксесоари за формоване на бетон Рязани пирони за зидария

Cut masonry nails are commonly used in concrete forming to secure wooden form boards to the ground or to other structures. These nails have a square, tapered shape that helps them to grip the wood firmly, preventing it from shifting or moving during the pouring and setting of the concrete.

Аксесоари за формоване на бетон Рязани пирони за зидария Описание

Cut masonry nails are made from hardened steel, which makes them strong and durable enough to withstand the pressure and weight of wet concrete. They typically come in lengths ranging from 1 1/2 inches to 4 inches, and are available in a variety of gauges or thicknesses, depending on the specific needs of the project.

One important feature of cut masonry nails is their sharp, pointed tips, which allow them to penetrate deeply into the wood, providing a secure anchor that can withstand the forces of concrete pouring and settling. These nails are often used in conjunction with other fasteners, such as screws or bolts, to ensure a tight and stable formwork structure.

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