Дълга и къса вълнообразна опашка с резба на котва

Tail Threaded Anchor is a type of fastener used in construction and engineering applications to securely anchor structures to a base material such as concrete, masonry, or steel. The anchor is made of high-strength steel and consists of a threaded stud with a tail that is designed to be embedded in the base material.

Дълга и къса вълнообразна опашка с резба на котва Описание

A Long Wavy Tail Threaded Anchor is a type of fastener used in construction and DIY projects to secure objects to a solid surface such as concrete or masonry. It is made of high-strength steel and has a unique design that allows it to provide strong holding power even in weaker materials.

The anchor has a long wavy tail that provides increased resistance against pull-out forces, making it ideal for applications where high loads or tension forces are expected. The threaded shaft of the anchor is inserted into a pre-drilled hole and secured by tightening a nut or bolt, which causes the tail to expand and create a secure grip within the material.

Long Wavy Tail Threaded Anchors are commonly used for installing machinery, HVAC equipment, electrical fixtures, and other heavy objects. They are also suitable for use in seismic applications where added strength and stability are required. These anchors come in a variety of sizes and are typically sold in bulk quantities for use in large-scale projects.


A Short Wavy Tail Threaded Anchor is a type of fastener used to attach objects to surfaces such as concrete, brick, or stone. It consists of a metal rod with a wavy tail at one end and a threaded shaft at the other end. The wavy tail provides extra grip and prevents the anchor from pulling out of the surface.

The anchor is inserted into a pre-drilled hole and tightened with a wrench, causing the threaded shaft to expand and grip the surface securely. Short Wavy Tail Threaded Anchors are commonly used in construction and DIY projects to mount items such as shelves, cabinets, and light fixtures. They are available in various sizes and materials to suit different applications.



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