Държач за вратовръзка Z

The Z tie holder is a type of accessory used in concrete forming to secure the Z tie, which is a common type of tie used in concrete formwork. The Z tie holder is designed to provide a secure and stable connection between the Z tie and the formwork, ensuring that the formwork is held firmly in place during the concrete pouring process.

Държач за вратовръзка Z Описание

The Z tie holder is typically made of high-strength plastic or metal, which makes it durable and able to withstand the pressures and stresses of concrete pouring. It features a simple yet effective design that allows it to be easily attached to the formwork and securely hold the Z tie in place.

The use of Z tie holders helps to ensure that the concrete formwork remains stable and in position during the pouring process, resulting in a smoother, more consistent finish to the concrete structure.


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