Rubber Recess Former

Rubber recess former is a tool used in the construction industry for creating recesses or indentations in concrete or other building materials. It is commonly used to create spaces for installing electrical or plumbing fixtures, such as electrical outlets or pipes, in walls or other structures.

Rubber Recess Former Leírás

The rubber recess former is typically made of a flexible material, such as rubber, and is designed to be placed into the wet concrete before it dries. Once the concrete sets, the former is removed, leaving behind a precisely shaped indentation that can be used for various purposes.

Rubber recess formers come in a variety of shapes and sizes to accommodate different types of fixtures and applications. They are widely used in commercial and residential construction projects to create a neat and professional look, while also providing a convenient way to install essential building components.


Egy-az-egyben ügyfélszolgálat

Cégünknél személyre szabott ügyfélszolgálatot nyújtunk, csak az Ön számára. Ha árajánlatot kér, számíthat ránk, hogy 8 órán belül válaszolunk Önnek. 

Ráadásul egy elkötelezett szervizszakértő lesz Önnel minden lépésnél. Az érdeklődéstől a végső kiszállításig minden felmerülő problémát garantáltan megoldunk.
