Betongforming av flate stålhylser

A concrete forming flat steel socket, also known as a flat steel form tie or simply a form tie, is a device used in concrete formwork systems to secure two parallel forms together during the pouring and curing of concrete.

Betongforming av flate stålhylser Beskrivelse

The flat steel socket is made of high-strength steel and has a flat plate on one end that is embedded into the concrete form. The other end of the tie has a threaded portion that is used to connect to a form aligner, which is used to properly align the forms and ensure that they remain in position during the concrete pour.

The flat steel socket is designed to resist the lateral pressure exerted by the wet concrete as it is poured into the formwork. After the concrete has cured, the form ties are removed by loosening the nuts on the threaded end and pulling the ties out of the concrete. The flat steel socket is a commonly used and effective device in concrete construction projects, and it helps to ensure that the concrete structure is strong, durable, and properly aligned.

Flat stålhylse


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