Avstandsholder for armeringshjul til betongforskaling

Concrete formwork rebar wheel spacers are small plastic or metal devices used in the construction industry to maintain the correct spacing between horizontal reinforcing bars, also known as rebar, and the formwork during the pouring of concrete. These spacers help to ensure that the rebar remains in the correct position within the concrete, providing the necessary strength and structural integrity to the finished product.

Avstandsholder for armeringshjul til betongforskaling Beskrivelse

The spacers are typically designed to fit onto the rebar and sit on top of the formwork, with their height being adjustable to accommodate different slab thicknesses. They are available in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit different construction needs and can be used in a range of applications such as building foundations, walls, columns, and beams.

Concrete formwork rebar wheel spacers are important because they provide a cost-effective solution to ensuring that the concrete structure is strong and durable. Without them, the rebar may become displaced during the pouring of concrete, which could lead to a weakened structure and increased construction costs.



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