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A Straight Threaded Anchor, also known as a Wedge Anchor, is a type of fastener that is commonly used to secure heavy loads into solid materials such as concrete or masonry. It consists of a threaded rod with a cone-shaped end that is inserted into a pre-drilled hole. The anchor is then set by tightening a nut, which causes the cone-shaped end to expand and wedge tightly against the sides of the hole, providing a secure grip.

Rett gjenget anker Beskrivelse

A Straight Threaded Anchor, also known as a Wedge Anchor, is a type of fastener that is commonly used to secure heavy loads into solid materials such as concrete or masonry. It consists of a threaded rod with a cone-shaped end that is inserted into a pre-drilled hole. The anchor is then set by tightening a nut, which causes the cone-shaped end to expand and wedge tightly against the sides of the hole, providing a secure grip.

Straight Threaded Anchors are typically made of stainless steel or carbon steel and are available in a variety of lengths and diameters to suit different applications. They are commonly used in construction and engineering projects where a strong and reliable fastening method is required. Some typical applications include attaching structural steel supports, securing equipment to concrete floors, and installing machinery and equipment.

straight threaded anchor


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