Recht uitlopend Dubbel uitlopend Spiraalinzetstuk

The Coil Loop Insert is a type of concrete form tie that is used to hold two or more form panels together during the concrete pouring process.

Recht uitlopend Dubbel uitlopend Spiraalinzetstuk Beschrijving

It consists of a loop of wire that is formed into a coil, with one end of the wire threaded through a hole in the form panel and the other end bent over to secure it in place. Coil Loop Inserts are commonly used in concrete forming applications where a strong, reusable tie is required. They can be used with a variety of formwork systems and are particularly useful for forming round or curved walls, columns or other structures. The advantage of using Coil Loop Inserts is that they are easy to install and remove, and can be reused multiple times, which makes them a cost-effective option. They are also durable and can withstand the pressure of poured concrete without breaking or deforming. Coil Loop Inserts are available in a range of sizes and configurations to suit different formwork applications, and they can be used with both wooden and metal form panels.


Spoellusinzetstuk Spoellusinzetstuk Spoellusinzetstuk Spoellusinzetstuk Spoellusinzetstuk Spoellusinzetstuk

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