Ocynkowana nakrętka z uchem do podnoszenia

The eye nut is a specialized fastening component that features a circular eye-shaped opening at its top. It is designed to provide a secure and reliable point for attaching lifting or rigging equipment. The eye nut is commonly used in various industries, including construction, manufacturing, and transportation.

Ocynkowana nakrętka z uchem do podnoszenia Opis

The eye nut is typically made of forged steel, which offers exceptional strength and durability. It is designed to withstand heavy loads and provide a safe lifting or rigging connection. The circular eye opening at the top of the nut allows for easy attachment of hooks, chains, or other lifting components.

One of the main advantages of the eye nut is its versatility. It can be used in various lifting and rigging applications, such as hoisting machinery, suspending loads, or securing objects for transportation. The nut’s design allows for easy rotation, enabling the user to adjust the orientation of the eye to suit the specific requirements of the application.

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