Wkładka tulei z prostą pętlą

The Straight Loop Ferrule Insert is a type of cable termination component that is used to secure and terminate wires and cables.

Wkładka tulei z prostą pętlą Opis

The Straight Loop Ferrule Insert is a type of cable termination component that is used to secure and terminate wires and cables. It consists of a metal sleeve with a loop at one end and a ferrule at the other. The loop allows the cable to be secured to a mounting point, while the ferrule is crimped onto the end of the wire to create a secure and reliable electrical connection.

The Straight Loop Ferrule Insert is commonly used in industrial and commercial applications where the reliability of the electrical connection is critical. It is available in various sizes and materials, such as copper and stainless steel, to suit different wire gauges and environmental conditions.


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