Webbing Coupling Connecting Link

The Connecting Link for Webbing Slings, also known as a sling connector or web sling link, is a hardware component used in lifting and rigging applications. It serves as a critical link between webbing slings and other lifting devices, such as hooks, shackles, or lifting eyes.

Webbing Coupling Connecting Link Opis

Webbing slings are made of durable and flexible materials, typically polyester or nylon, and are commonly used in industries such as construction, manufacturing, and logistics for lifting and securing heavy loads. These slings have loops or eyes at their ends that are designed to be connected to lifting equipment.

The Connecting Link for Webbing Slings is specifically designed to provide a secure attachment point for these slings. It is typically made of high-strength alloy steel or other robust materials to ensure the strength and reliability required for lifting operations. The link usually has a wide opening or a slot that allows the webbing sling to be easily inserted, and it may feature a locking mechanism or pin to prevent accidental disconnection.

connect link

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