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o que são algemas

Como medir uma manilha

Este artigo fornece um guia abrangente sobre como medir diferentes tipos de manilhas com precisão. Ele aborda as técnicas de medição para manilhas de arco (manilhas de âncora) e manilhas D (manilhas de corrente), juntamente com observações importantes sobre medição para evitar erros comuns. O artigo conclui com um resumo dos pontos principais e aborda as perguntas frequentes sobre [...]

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grampo de cabo de aço

Como usar o grampo de cabo de aço

Wire rope clips are essential components in various applications involving wire ropes, offering a reliable method for creating loops, securing ends, or joining multiple ropes together. Understanding the types of wire rope clips available and how to properly utilize them ensures safety and effectiveness in your projects. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the

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x gravata plana

A QINGDAO H&F fará uma exposição na WOCA World of Concrete Asia

WOCA World of Concrete Asia, as a one-stop comprehensive exhibition platform for concrete, mortar and flooring, with a display scale of 50,000+ square meters on site, will have the participation of 720+ enterprises from home and abroad, displaying raw materials, finished products for municipal. industrial, construction, commercial and other fields of distribution agents, general contractors/subcontractors,

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dia da mulher

Feliz Dia da Mulher: Celebrando as mulheres na H&F

International Women’s Day, celebrated annually on March 8th, is a global day dedicated to recognizing the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It’s a day to celebrate the incredible contributions women make to our world and to advocate for gender equality. Here at H&F, we understand the importance of this day and the

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Embreagem de elevação \Ring Lifting

Como usar a embreagem de elevação

Lifting clutch is an essential tool in the construction industry for lifting and handling precast concrete elements. In this article, we will explore what precast lifting clutches are, how they are used, their connection with lifting anchors, safety considerations, choosing the right supplier, and answer frequently asked questions to provide a comprehensive guide on using

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rolo de cintagem

Cintas de poliéster versus cintas de polipropileno

Choosing the right strapping material is critical when goods are being transported or stored. Two common choices are polyester and polypropylene strapping. Although they serve similar purposes, there are significant differences between them. Polypropylene Strapping Raw Materials: Polypropylene strapping is made from a thermoplastic polymer, polypropylene, which is derived from propylene monomers. Features: It is lightweight, flexible, and

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atividades de bem-estar público

Compromisso da H&F com o bem-estar social

In our relentless pursuit of making a positive impact, H&F stands firm in its dedication to social welfare activities year after year. Our initiatives extend to various sectors, encompassing visits to children’s welfare homes, donations of essential supplies to orphaned or disabled children, and contributions of books to underprivileged areas. Even during the challenging times

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