Flared Slab subțire Slab Ferrule Inserție Inserție bobină Inserție bobină

The Flared Thin Slab Ferrule Insert Coil Insert is a mechanical anchor system used to provide reinforcement and support in concrete structures. This type of insert consists of a steel coil that is wrapped around a tapered plastic sleeve, which is then inserted into a pre-drilled hole in the concrete. The coil expands to tightly grip the walls of the hole, creating a strong and reliable anchor point.

Flared Slab subțire Slab Ferrule Inserție Inserție bobină Inserție bobină Descriere

The flared design of the thin slab ferrule insert provides a larger bearing surface and increased load capacity compared to traditional coil inserts. This makes it an ideal choice for use in thin concrete slabs, where a small anchorage area is available.

One of the main advantages of using a Flared Thin Slab Ferrule Insert Coil Insert is its ease of installation. The insert can be quickly and easily installed using standard tools, without the need for any special equipment or expertise. This can save time and reduce labor costs on construction projects.

Flared Slab subțire Slab Ferrule Insert Flared Slab subțire Slab Ferrule Insert

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