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деятельность в области общественного благосостояния

Приверженность H&F социальному обеспечению

Неустанно стремясь оказать положительное влияние на ситуацию, H&F из года в год проявляет твердую приверженность деятельности в сфере социального обеспечения. Наши инициативы охватывают различные сферы, включая посещение детских домов, пожертвование предметов первой необходимости детям-сиротам и инвалидам, а также передачу книг в малообеспеченные районы. Даже в трудные времена [...].

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Что такое кандалы и для чего они нужны

A shackle, the most common type of rigging, is a metal fastening device used to connect, lift and secure loads in a variety of industrial applications. It is usually a ring with a pin or bolt in the opening that provides a secure attachment point. It is an essential tool in various industries and is

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Что такое талреп и как с ним работать

As a rigging supplier with more than 20 years of experience, turnbuckle has always been one of our best-selling products. After all, it has a wide range of application scenarios and is often used with shackle and wire rope. Turnbuckle is a mechanical device used to adjust the tension or length of ropes, cables, rods,

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Как использовать талреп

Despite being the most prevalent rigging device, the turnbuckle remains shrouded in mystery for many. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills to confidently install and utilize turnbuckles in any project. Five steps to use turnbuckle: Inspect the Turnbuckle: Before use, thoroughly inspect the turnbuckle for any signs of damage or defects

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Выравниватель формы талрепа

Что такое выравниватель формы турникета

In the world of construction, a Turnbuckle Form Aligner is a game-changer. It’s like the Swiss Army knife for precision and alignment in building projects. These bad boys are tools designed to make sure your concrete forms are on point during construction. Picture it as the secret sauce that keeps your structures standing tall and

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Что такое завязка

In the world of concrete construction, the term “Snap Tie” might sound like jargon to the uninitiated. However, for those involved in the industry, Snap Ties play a crucial role in ensuring the structural integrity and stability of concrete forms. In this article, we’ll delve into what Snap Ties are and introduce you to two

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Как установить конусы для бетонной стяжки

Concrete snap tie cones are essential components in concrete formwork systems, playing a vital role in maintaining the alignment and stability of the forms during concrete pouring. These small but crucial devices ensure that the formwork remains securely in place until the concrete sets. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process of installing

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Как использовать стропы из велбинга

Webbing slings are indispensable tools in material handling and lifting operations across various industries. These slings are designed to provide safe and efficient methods for securing, lifting, and moving heavy loads. This article aims to offer a comprehensive guide on how to use webbing slings, introducing you to the specific usage of various types available

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круглый стальной кол

Как использовать круглые стальные колья с отверстиями

Round steel stakes with holes are versatile tools that play a significant role in construction projects. These cylindrical metal rods, featuring strategically placed holes, are essential for various construction tasks, including formwork, concrete work, and structural support. In this article, we will explore how to use round steel stakes with holes effectively in the construction

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