Zdvíhacia slučka z oceľového lana

A wire rope loop, also known as a wire rope sling, is a type of lifting sling made from a length of wire rope that has been formed into a loop. Wire rope loops are commonly used in construction, shipping, and other industries for lifting and moving heavy object

Zdvíhacia slučka z oceľového lana Popis

Wire rope loops are typically made by braiding or twisting together multiple strands of wire to form a strong and flexible cable. The ends of the wire rope are then attached to a fitting, such as a thimble or a socket, which is used to create the loop.

One of the main advantages of wire rope loops is their strength and durability. They are able to support heavy loads without breaking or stretching, and they can withstand exposure to harsh environments such as saltwater, extreme temperatures, and chemicals.

Wire rope loops come in a variety of sizes and configurations, including single-leg and multi-leg designs, and can be customized to fit specific lifting needs. However, it is important to ensure that the wire rope loop is properly rated for the load being lifted and that it is inspected regularly for signs of wear and damage.

Slučka z oceľového lana

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