Ковзаючий гачок Clevis

The clevis slip hook is a type of hook commonly used in lifting and rigging applications. It is designed to provide a secure and adjustable connection for attaching loads to chains, ropes, or other rigging components.

Ковзаючий гачок Clevis Опис

The clevis slip hook consists of a U-shaped clevis with a hole or slot at the open end, and a hook that attaches to the clevis. Unlike the self-locking hook, the clevis slip hook does not have a latch or locking mechanism. Instead, it features a removable latch pin or a clevis pin that allows the hook to slip easily through the hole or slot of the clevis.

One of the main advantages of the clevis slip hook is its adjustability. By inserting the latch pin or clevis pin through different holes or slots in the clevis, the effective length of the hook can be adjusted. This adjustability allows for flexibility in accommodating various load sizes and configurations.

The clevis slip hook is commonly used in applications where quick attachment and detachment of loads are required, such as in material handling, towing, or rigging operations. It provides a strong and reliable connection while allowing for efficient load handling. The hook’s shape and design prevent the load from accidentally slipping off during lifting or movement.

Safety is crucial when using clevis slip hooks. It is essential to ensure that the latch pin or clevis pin is properly inserted and secured through the appropriate hole or slot in the clevis. Regular inspection and maintenance of the hook are necessary to detect any signs of wear, damage, or deformation that may compromise its strength and integrity. Damaged or worn-out clevis slip hooks should be replaced promptly to maintain a safe working environment.

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