Комбінований штифт для будівельної фурнітури

Round/flat head pin/combo pin for aluminum forming system accessories & hardware in concrete building.

Комбінований штифт для будівельної фурнітури Опис

настінна стяжка

A combo pin is a type of hardware used in concrete forming that combines the functions of a flat head pin and a snap tie. The combo pin consists of a long, straight steel rod with a pointed end and a flat head at the other end.

The pointed end of the combo pin is inserted through the formwork and into the concrete. The flat head is then used to hold the formwork securely in place. Unlike other types of hardware, the combo pin does not require a separate snap tie or flathead pin lock to secure the formwork.

Combo pins are commonly used in vertical formwork applications, such as when pouring concrete walls or columns. They are also used in horizontal formwork applications, such as when pouring concrete slabs or beams.

Combo pins are preferred over other types of hardware because they provide a more secure connection between the formwork and the concrete. This is because the pointed end of the pin is inserted directly into the concrete, which creates a stronger and more stable connection.

A combo pin is a type of hardware used in concrete forming that combines the functions of a flat head pin and a snap tie. The combo pin consists of a long, straight steel rod with a pointed end and a flat head at the other end.

The pointed end of the combo pin is inserted through the formwork and into the concrete. The flat head is then used to hold the formwork securely in place. Unlike other types of hardware, the combo pin does not require a separate snap tie or flathead pin lock to secure the formwork.

Combo pins are commonly used in vertical formwork applications, such as when pouring concrete walls or columns. They are also used in horizontal formwork applications, such as when pouring concrete slabs or beams.

Combo pins are preferred over other types of hardware because they provide a more secure connection between the formwork and the concrete. This is because the pointed end of the pin is inserted directly into the concrete, which creates a stronger and more stable connection.

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