Сталева опалубка для залізобетонної плити

Steel formwork for concrete slab is a type of formwork system used in the construction industry to create a mold for pouring and shaping concrete slabs. Steel formwork is made of high-quality steel and designed to be durable, reusable, and easy to assemble and dismantle. It provides a smooth and consistent finish to the concrete slab and allows for faster construction times than traditional timber formwork.

Сталева опалубка для залізобетонної плити Опис

Steel formwork for concrete slabs comes in various sizes and shapes, and can be customized to meet specific project requirements. The formwork is assembled on site and secured with pins and wedges. Once the concrete is poured and cured, the formwork can be dismantled and reused for other projects.

Steel formwork for concrete slabs is popular due to its ability to handle large amounts of concrete and withstand high pressure. It is also resistant to weathering and corrosion, making it a cost-effective option for long-term use. Additionally, steel formwork reduces waste and improves construction efficiency, as it can be easily adjusted to accommodate changes in design or building codes.

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