Boulon à coin long

Boulon de calage long, boulon de calage standard, boulon de calage réglable.

Description du produit

A long wedge bolt is a type of fastener commonly used in concrete forming applications. It is designed to securely fasten two or more form panels together to create a tight, strong seal that can withstand the pressure and weight of poured concrete.

The long wedge bolt consists of a long, threaded shaft with a tapered, pointed end and a large, flat head. The tapered end is inserted into a pre-drilled hole in the form panel and tightened using a wrench or socket, causing the wedge shape to expand and lock the panel in place.

One of the key advantages of the long wedge bolt is its ability to create a very tight seal between form panels. This helps prevent leakage and seepage of concrete, which can compromise the integrity of the final structure.

Long wedge bolts are typically made from high-strength steel or other durable materials that can withstand the heavy loads and stresses involved in concrete forming. They are available in a range of lengths and diameters to accommodate different types of formwork and concrete projects.

boulon de calage

X Cravate plate

Le boulon de calage est utilisé en combinaison avec le collier plat X.

L'attache plate Concrete Forms X est un accessoire spécialisé utilisé dans l'industrie de la construction pour fixer et renforcer les coffrages en béton. Elle est conçue pour assurer la solidité, la stabilité et la durabilité des structures en béton pendant le processus de coulage et de durcissement.

x cravate plate

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