Mengangkat Soket dengan Tutup Plastik

Lifting sockets with plastic caps are a type of lifting accessory that are used to lift and transport precast concrete elements safely and securely. The lifting socket is embedded into the precast element during the casting process and provides a secure anchor point for lifting using a lifting machine or crane.

Mengangkat Soket dengan Tutup Plastik Deskripsi

The plastic cap is placed over the lifting socket to protect it from dirt and debris during the casting process and also serves as a safety cover to prevent accidental contact with the lifting socket. The cap can be easily removed once the precast element is ready for lifting.

Lifting sockets with plastic caps are available in a variety of sizes and capacities to suit different types of precast elements. They are widely used in the construction industry for lifting and transporting precast concrete panels, walls, beams, and other elements.

These lifting sockets with plastic caps are designed to be durable and reliable, and are tested to meet industry standards for safety and performance. They offer a safe and efficient method for lifting and transporting precast elements, helping to streamline the construction process and improve worker safety on site.

lifting sockets with plastic caps

Layanan Pelanggan Satu-ke-Satu

Di perusahaan kami, kami menyediakan layanan pelanggan yang dipersonalisasi, hanya untuk Anda. Saat Anda meminta penawaran, andalkan kami untuk menghubungi Anda dalam waktu 8 jam. 

Selain itu, Anda akan memiliki spesialis layanan yang berdedikasi untuk membantu Anda di setiap langkah. Dari saat Anda bertanya hingga pengiriman akhir, kami di sini untuk menyelesaikan masalah apa pun yang muncul, dijamin.

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