Kotak Lingkaran Tali Kawat Tunggal

A Single Wire Rope Loop Box is a specialized piece of equipment used in the lifting and rigging industry. It is a device designed to form a loop in a single wire rope without the need for splicing or other forms of wire rope termination

Kotak Lingkaran Tali Kawat Tunggal Deskripsi

The Single Wire Rope Loop Box consists of a metal box with a series of rollers inside. The wire rope is threaded through the rollers and then fed back through the box, forming a loop that is held in place by the rollers. The loop can then be attached to a load or used in a lifting or rigging application.

The advantage of using a Single Wire Rope Loop Box is that it allows for quick and easy formation of a loop in a wire rope without the need for specialized tools or equipment. It is also a cost-effective alternative to other forms of wire rope termination.

You can click here to view the double Wire Rope Loop BoxYou can check double Wire Rope Loop Box.



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