Accessori per casseforme in calcestruzzo Fascetta di base

Concrete form accessories are materials that are used in construction projects to create concrete forms or molds. One type of concrete form accessory is a base tie.

Accessori per casseforme in calcestruzzo Fascetta di base Descrizione

A base tie is a device used to secure the concrete form to the foundation. It is installed on the base of the form and fastened to the foundation using bolts or nails. Base ties come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit different types of forms and foundations.

The primary purpose of a base tie is to ensure that the concrete form remains in place during the pouring process. This helps to prevent the form from shifting or moving, which can result in an uneven or imperfectly formed concrete structure. Base ties also help to create a more secure and stable structure by preventing the concrete from bulging outwards as it sets.

base tie

Cravatta di base Cravatta di base

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