Standartinis pleištinis varžtas

The Standard Wedge Bolt is a type of fastener used in concrete forming applications. It is designed to securely hold concrete forms together during the pouring and setting process, ensuring that the forms remain in place and maintain their shape.

The Wedge Bolt consists of two main parts: a threaded bolt and a wedge-shaped clip. The bolt is inserted through a hole in one form and then threaded into a hole in an adjoining form. The wedge clip is then inserted into a slot on the end of the bolt, and as the bolt is tightened, the clip is forced into the hole, creating a tight, secure joint between the two forms.

Standartinis pleištinis varžtas Aprašymas

wedge bolt

X Flat Tie

Wedge Bolt is used in combination with X Flat Tie.

"Betono formos X Flat Tie" yra specializuotas priedas, naudojamas statybų pramonėje betono formoms tvirtinti ir sutvirtinti. Jis skirtas betono konstrukcijoms suteikti tvirtumo, stabilumo ir ilgaamžiškumo betonavimo ir kietėjimo proceso metu.


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