Penyiku Bentuk Beton yang Dapat Disetel Penyiku Bentuk Turnbuckle untuk Pembentukan Kayu Lapis

Bagian turnbuckle pada aligner dilengkapi dengan ulir koil pembersih otomatis berdiameter 1″ untuk penyetelan yang cepat. Panjang keseluruhan aligner adalah minimum 35″ dan maksimum 39″, menawarkan 4″ penyetelan yang efektif.

Turnbuckle Form Aligner memiliki pelat paku bengkok yang dilengkapi dengan lubang paku untuk memaku ke bentuk dan lubang 15/16″ untuk menerima tiang pancang baja bundar 3/4″ atau 7/8″ saat menggunakan braket dari bawah ke atas. Aligner dapat digunakan berulang kali ketika dibersihkan dari beton setelah digunakan. Beban kerja yang aman dari pelurus dibatasi oleh metode kayu, paku dan/atau pancang.

Penyiku Bentuk Beton yang Dapat Disetel Penyiku Bentuk Turnbuckle untuk Pembentukan Kayu Lapis Deskripsi

Introduction to Turnbuckle Form Aligner

The Turnbuckle Form Aligner is a critical tool in the construction industry, designed to ensure the precise alignment of concrete forms. This product is available in two main variants: Flat Plate and Bent Plate. Each variant serves specific purposes, catering to various construction needs. Understanding the common sizes and applications of the Turnbuckle Form Aligner is essential for optimizing its use in concrete projects.

Common Sizes of Turnbuckle Form Aligner

Turnbuckle Form Aligners come in a range of sizes to accommodate different formwork requirements. The Flat Plate variant is typically available in lengths ranging from 24 inches to 72 inches, providing flexibility for various project scales.

Flat Plate turnbuckle

The Bent Plate variant, designed for more complex alignments, also comes in similar sizes but includes angles and curves to fit specific architectural designs. These variations ensure that construction professionals can find the right aligner for their specific needs, enhancing the efficiency and precision of their work.

bent Plate turnbuckle

Application in Concrete Construction

The primary application of the Turnbuckle Form Aligner is in concrete construction, where it plays a pivotal role in aligning and stabilizing formwork. Proper alignment is crucial to ensuring the structural integrity of concrete forms, which in turn affects the quality and safety of the final structure. The Turnbuckle Form Aligner helps maintain the correct position of forms during the pouring and setting of concrete, preventing shifts and ensuring that the forms hold the desired shape. This precision is particularly important in large-scale projects, where even minor deviations can lead to significant structural issues.

The use of Turnbuckle Form Aligners in concrete construction extends to various types of projects, including commercial buildings, residential complexes, and infrastructure developments. By ensuring accurate form alignment, these tools contribute to the overall durability and aesthetic quality of the construction, making them indispensable in the industry.

pelurus bentuk turnbuckle

Transportation and Packaging

As a B2B trading company, we understand the importance of reliable transportation and secure packaging for construction tools like the Turnbuckle Form Aligner. Our products are carefully packaged to prevent damage during transit, ensuring that they arrive in perfect condition. Each aligner is wrapped in protective materials and placed in sturdy boxes, which are then sealed and labeled for easy identification.

We offer various shipping options to accommodate the needs of our clients, from standard ground shipping to expedited delivery. Our logistics team works closely with trusted carriers to ensure timely and efficient delivery, regardless of the destination. By prioritizing the safe and prompt transportation of our products, we help our clients keep their construction projects on schedule.

concrete turnbuckle


The Turnbuckle Form Aligner is an essential tool in the construction industry, available in both Flat Plate and Bent Plate variants. With its crucial role in aligning and stabilizing concrete forms, this tool ensures precision and stability in various construction projects. Our B2B trading company provides a range of sizes to meet diverse needs, along with reliable transportation and secure packaging to support your business operations. Choose our Turnbuckle Form Aligners for your next project and experience the benefits of enhanced accuracy and efficiency in concrete construction.

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